Kofi Togo Cultural Center Foundation

Kofi Togo Cultural Center Foundation
Kofi Togo Cultural Center Foundation

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Most people around the world look to Africa for guidance in finding their own rhythms and musical styles due to the rich and diverse culture and traditions the Africans have inherited from their ancestors. However, in recent trips back to Africa, Koffi has noticed a huge decline in the pride of their heritage, and a disconnection with the spiritual side of the arts Africans once had. In an effort to “Unite through Music, Dance & Art”, Koffi wants to instill a positive sense of self in the children and people of Africa as they are the generations that have inspired so many musically and culturally. Koffi’s dream is to create a community space where we can reconnect the African children and people to the quality and depth of their musical heritage, with an emphasis on maintaining this important cultural tradition and providing support in organically evolving the arts. Participants will learn the importance of being true ambassadors to their culture, therefore becoming quality leaders and instructors themselves so they may share this information to their future generations, as well as to more people worldwide.

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